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Eliminate Advisor Frustration


We’ve seen it happen too many times. An advisor has a transaction to process, and time is of the essence. They pull together all the required forms (or so they think) and set about completing them with the client – a time-consuming and tedious task that’s a part of the routine process.

Then something goes wrong. . .the dreaded NIGO! The Broker/Dealer back office rejects and returns the paperwork as “Not in Good Order” due to something as simple as a name recorded with the wrong spelling or another important field that has been populated incorrectly.

Unfortunately, no one caught these easily corrected errors until after the paperwork had been submitted. And even if they were identified prior to submission, the advisor still has to redo all the paperwork with the client. That’s not a great confidence builder for the client, and it can even make them question the competency of their advisor.

When advisors have dealt with these types of embarrassing, time-wasting, and costly image-shattering moments enough, they start to view paperwork like a march to the gulag. Don’t let that advisor’s frustration with paperwork negatively impact your business relationship with them. If you ignore the pain that NIGO paperwork causes for the advisor, they will eventually look for a new Broker/Dealer that can help them solve their problem.

Forms Logic has worked hard to ensure advisors won’t experience the pain of NIGOs ever again.

We don’t just automate the process of filling out the forms. We also store the data and can apply it to thousands of different forms. We’ve made it possible to use “smart form-filling,” a process that knows what information to put in each spot and guides you through the process so you can easily understand the step-by-step sequence that gets everything completed and all the correct fields e-signed.

It’s hard enough work for advisors to find and service clients and obtain new business – that’s where the Broker/Dealer can shine. Advisors shouldn’t have to experience panic attacks over which form to use, which e-sign vendor to select, or whether all the data was populated on the correct lines. It can and should all be automated and done electronically.

We are experts. Our Navigator platform has already done your thinking and hard work. We refuse to let another advisor experience frustration over processing their paperwork.

Let us help. You’ll be glad you did.

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